Pupil Attendance

Attendance & Punctuality

In order for your child to make the most of the educational opportunities afforded to them, they need to attend school regularly and punctually and parents / carers are expected to do their to do their best to help us in this objective. Registration takes place at 8.55 am and children arriving after this time will be classed as late and must come to the main office to be signed in by a parent / carer.


Please note the procedure which we ask you to follow in regards to absence:

  • Children who have pre-arranged medical or dental appointments must show their appointment card or letter of parent / carer authorisation to the school office staff.
  • On your child’s first day of sickness absence, please telephone the school office on 01257 400271 before 9.30 am.
  • If your child is still off school on the third day, please telephone the school office with an update as to how your child is.
  • Leave of absence during term-time is not permitted and authorised, unless there are extenuating or mitigating circumstances which must be approved by Mrs Gough.
  • Requests for any absence must be submitted in writing, at least 6 weeks in advance when possible, to Mrs Gough. Please be aware that taking unauthorised holidays may result in you receiving an Education Penalty Notice.

Punctuality and regular attendance are good habits, which will serve the children throughout their school days and later in life too! 

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Our Mission Ethos & Aims

Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane