Governor & Financial Information


At Wood Fold Primary School we are fortunate to have a very supportive Governing Body which supports the school community to enrich the lives of all involved.

The Governing Body is responsible for the efficient running of the school and meets at least once per term.

The governors are parents, carers, teachers and non-teaching staff of the school, local authority representatives and people from the local community.

The Governors of Wood Fold Primary School believe it is important that the Governing Body reflect our school community, and we regularly review equality and diversity of the Governing Body.  We aim to promote an inclusive school environment and provide diverse role models for all our children.  Diversity data is not published online at present as it may allow individual governors to be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect personal data.  

Governors hold office for a term of four years. The governors have certain legal duties, powers and responsibilities:

  • They help to decide what is taught in the school
  • They interview and select staff
  • They help to decide how the school budget is spent

The present governors of the school are:

Name Governor Type Other Relevant information
Mrs A Patel Co-opted Governor Chair of Governors
Mrs R Gough Headteacher  
Miss A Hodgkiss Co-opted Governor  
Mrs S Djali Co-opted Governor  
Mr M Humphreys CBE Co-opted Governor  
Mr K Ip Co-opted Governor Vice Chair of Governors
Miss S Grady Staff Governor  
Mr D Lamb Parent Governor  
Mr J Connor Parent Governor  
Mrs D Parkinson LA Governor  
Mrs S Counsell Clerk  


The remit for the Governing Body is to:

a)         Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b)         Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

c)         Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


Type of Governor Number                            
Co-opted 6
Head Teacher 1
Local Authority 1
Parent 2
Staff 1


Name Governor Type Term of Office from Term of Office to Appointing Body Date Stepped Down
Mrs R Gough Headteacher 01 January 2015      
Miss S Grady Staff Governor 04 October 2023 03 October 2027    
Miss A Hodgkiss Co-opted Governor 13 June 2023 12 June 2027 The Governing Body  
Mrs S Djali Co-opted Governor 22 May 2022 21 May 2026 The Governing Body  
Mr M Humphreys CBE Co-opted Governor 22 October 2022 21 October 2026 The Governing Body  
Mrs A Patel Co-opted Governor 22 May 2022 21 May 2026 The Governing Body  
Mr J Connor Parent Governor 24 May 2022 23 May 2026 Elected by Parents  
Mr K Ip Co-opted Governor 14 January 2021 13 January 2025 The Governing Body  
Mrs D Wright Co-opted Governor 14 January 2021 13 January 2025 The Governing Body     14 November 2023
Mr D Lamb Parent Governor 20 July 2021 19 July 2025 Elected by Parents  
Ms N Unsworth Co-opted Governor 24 March 2022 23 March 2026 The Governing Body     14 May 2024
Cllr D Parkinson LA Governor 4 May 2023 3 May 2027 The Local Authority  
Mrs S Counsell Clerk N/A N/A N/A  


Responsibility Name
Safeguarding / Child Protection  Miss A Hodgkiss
SEND and Community  Mrs D Parkinson
Health & Safety  Mrs D Parkinson
Pupil Premium  Mrs A Patel
Sports Premium  Mrs A Patel
Pupil Attendance  Mr K Ip
Behaviour and Attitudes   Mrs A Patel 
Wider Curriculum & Outcomes Mrs S Djali
Early Years  Miss A Hodgkiss
Finance Mrs D Parkinson, Mr J Connor
Leadership Mr M Humphreys
Teaching and Learning Mr D Lamb
Policy & Website Miss S Grady
Personal Development Mr K Ip
Whole School / Pupil Voice / School Council Mrs A Patel


Terms of Reference for all Committees are available from Governor Services:

Standards Committee  Resources Committee Pay Committee
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding, Standards in School and the curriculum. Remit: To   deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding, Finance, Personnel, Premises and Health and Safety Remit: To   make decisions about performance related pay for teachers and the Headteacher

Mrs R  Gough

Miss A Hodgkiss

Mrs S Djali

Mr M Humphries (CBE)

Mrs A Patel

Mr K Ip

Mr D Lamb

Mrs D Parkinson

Mrs R Gough

Mrs A Patel

Mr K Ip

Mr J Connor

Mrs D Parkinson


Mrs A Patel

Mrs S Djali

Mr K Ip


 Ad-hoc Committees:

–          Staff Disciplinary

–          Pupil Disciplinary

–          Complaints

–          Appeals

Three Governors with no prior knowledge will be called alphabetically to form any of the above committees whenever necessary.


Name  Details of Pecuniary Interest Details of Personal Interest
Mrs R Gough Employee - Wood Fold Primary Nil
Miss S Grady Employee - Wood Fold Primary Nil
Miss A Hodgkiss   Nil
Mrs S Djali   Nil
Mr M Humphries (CBE)   Grandparent of child in school
Mrs A Patel    
Mr J Connor   Parent of child in school
Mr K  Ip   Parent of child in school
Mr D Lamb   Parent of child in school
Mrs D Parkinson   Nil


Information to follow.


 Autumn Term 2024   

Thursday 26th September 2024

Thursday 19th December 2024

 Spring  Term 2025   

Thursday 30th January 2025

Thursday 3rd April 2025

 Summer Term 2025     


Thursday 15th May 2025

Thursday 17th July 2025

All meetings to commence at 4.30 pm unless otherwise advised.


Wood Fold Primary School does not have any employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.  For more information please click on the link below which will take you to the schools financial benchmarking service.

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Our Mission Ethos & Aims

Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane