
We believe at Wood Fold Primary School that all children should have access to an interesting, engaging and enjoyable curriculum.  By the end of Key Stage 2 children will have been taught all of the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum (2014), details of which can be accessed by the link below:

The aims of the curriculum at Wood Fold are:

  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that teaches children about many aspects of life in Britain and around the world
  • Enable children to acquire and apply the skills and knowledge outlined within the National Curriculum
  • To provide children with a wide range of experiences both inside and outside of the classroom
  • To ensure that children are given opportunities to take part in educational visits linked to their learning
  • To ensure that all children enjoy a challenging curriculum that promotes progress in their learning
  • To use community links to enhance the learning of children


'It does not take long for anyone to realise that Wood Fold provides pupils with an exceptional level of education that prepares them well for their next stage of education.  The staff and governors can feel very heartened by the quality of education that is being provided and how this is translating to having an outstanding learning community that is excellent'  March 2022, Clive Davies - Focus Education

'The school's curriculum intent is ambitious in its breadth and balance and has high expectations for all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and SEND pupils.  It is clear from conversations with the subject leaders for history, geography and art and teachers that they have a consistend understanding of the school's curriculum intent'  February 2022, Dave Woodhouse - Consultant

'It has considerable strengths, and the pupils are very fortunate to attend such a caring and learning-centred setting'                                                    March 2022, Clive Davies - Focus Education

'The work given to the pupils consistently matches the aims of the curriculum.  Work is consistently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning.  Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education' February 2022,                            Dave Woodhouse - Consultant


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Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Mrs Taylor
Green Lane