Mission Statement, Ethos and Aims

'Inspiring Excellence for All'

Wood Fold is a happy, caring community of learners. We have the highest expectations and aspirations for all of our children and want to ensure that they achieve the best possible individual outcomes. We will ensure this happens by providing an environment where each child is nurtured, respected and challenged to be the best they possibly can be in order to live their life to the fullest. To achieve this, we will INSPIRE our children to be:

Independent thinkers: children can work on their own, they show resilience, know when and how to ask for help and are able to produce work to a high standard.

Nurturing characters: children care about each other, they treat everyone with respect, they have the ability to encourage growth in others and they have trust, patience and empathy.

Successful learners: children achieve well in all aspects of both school and home life, they are resilient and can overcome challenges to enable them to learn effectively.

Proud of themselves and others: children take pride in the work that they produce, always ensuring it is to the best of their ability, they take pride in their appearance and are proud to wear the school uniform, they are proud of others when they do something successfully or try something they find challenging.

Inclusive of all: children treat all children as equals, they are respectful of one another, are confident to express themselves and respect other’s opinions, they encourage each other to do well and support each other.

Reading Experts: children demonstrate a love of books, they can read fluently and accurately and are passionate about reading. They have a wide-ranging vocabulary and learn effectively from books to broaden their understanding of the wider world.  

Exceptional Individuals: children demonstrate all of the above attributes. They aspire to be excellent.

Our Aims

1.     To facilitate children’s learning in a nurturing, encouraging and respectful community.

2.     To use high quality texts to drive a broad and balanced curriculum that is aspirational for all.

3.     To develop in our children, not only the desire to learn, but resilience when faced with a challenge, pride in themselves and their work and good relationships with others.

4.     To place excellence at the heart of everything that we do.

5.     To help each child to find the self-esteem and confidence to reach their full potential in everything they do.  





Our Mission Ethos & Aims

Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane